
IBCC Secretariat is located at Plot No 25, Street No 39, G-10/4, Near Federal Govt. Employees Housing Foundation Islamabad, Pakistan
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A degree is a higher-level academic qualification after HSSC/Grade 12, while a diploma is a shorter qualification usually completed in 1-2 years and focused on a specific skill or course.
FSC stands for Faculty of Science and FA stands for Faculty of Arts.
ACCA's Foundation Diploma is recognised on the national education framework in Pakistan as a pathway to earn Intermediate equivalent qualification. Students are required to complete ACCA's Foundation Diploma and three additional subjects namely Business Mathematics, Statistics and Principal of Economics from any Board of Technical Education of Pakistan. Through this pathway students shall be awarded: Foundation Diploma from ACCA Intermediate Equivalence Certificate (Commerce Group) from IBCC.
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level, also called the O-level or O level, was a subject-based academic qualification. An O-level qualification is still awarded by Cambridge In-ternational Examinations in selected locations.
  • shall be a forum for the chairmen or chairpersons or chief executives of member examination boards and other allied member organizations to exchange information, and make recommendations to devise policy for unified implementation at the country level on matters relating to the development and promotion of the academic evaluation, examination, and assessment;
  • authenticate equivalence, attestation and verification of certificates up to higher secondary levels and equivalent having been issued from local or foreign authorized institutions or examining bodies and shall assess deficient subjects, papers and qualifications through evaluation for issuance of equivalency and measurement thereof, as the case may be, up to higher secondary level including tests and assessments for admissions, scholarships etc.;
  • promote curricular and co-curricular activities among member boards or organizations in viable ways and means;
  • transform the examination system in the country by introducing modern assessment and examination techniques and assessment of boards and taking steps as appropriate for the improvement of examination or assessment among the member boards;
  • taking measures for capacity building of the teachers, paper setters, assessors, and examination staff for improvement of examination and assessment among the member boards;
  • regulate foreign examination boards operating in the country;
  • develop and promote national and international linkages with educational and examining bodies with respect to knowledge sharing, educational qualifications, personnel exchange, testing, assessment, and equivalence matters;
  • shall be a forum at the national level to lay down principles of policy for professional capacity building through special studies or research to bring uniformity in examination and assessment at secondary and higher secondary levels throughout the country by adopting ways and means of firm coordination; and
  • perform such other functions, as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above functions or objectives or needed to be performed in the public interest or referred by the Federal Government.
The Inter Boards Coordination Commission to act and deal with the issues relating to the standardization of examination, assessment, evaluation and allied matters connected there to at secondary and higher secondary school levels through coordination along with recognition of local and foreign qualifications.
IBCC stands for Inter Boards Coordination Commission, Islamabad.
IBCC Office Timing Monday-Friday: 08:30 AM To 04:30 PM
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